I love abdl phone sex calls. My daughter dabbles in the lifestyle. She enjoys age regression play. And since I will never be a mother again, I indulge her. It brings back fond memories of when she and her brother needed me for everything. I am a good mother. And a good mother changes the diaper of her offspring no matter their age.
She needed her mommy last night. So, she came over with her onesie on and a bottle in her mouth. I keep diapers on hand for her. When she comes over, she needs mommy to feed her, bathe her and change her. And I love to be needed. So, I fed my abdl female daughter as the first order of business. She appeared hungry. Although my boobs no longer carry milk, we just pretend as she nurses from my tits again.
A Mother’s Job is Never Done
After she ate, I bathed her. Washed her hair with Johnson and Johnson’s No More Tears shampoo for little ones. Of course, I washed her little bald cunnie too. Need to get that washcloth in all the holes. My baby smelled so good and looked so clean. I even had her dirty little bottom sparkling. Once I had my baby girl clean, I put her in a new diaper. Although she can still fit in pull-ups made for larger girls, we like to use cloth diapers.
Of course, she soiled her diaper a few times before bedtime. She just enjoys her mommy cleaning her bottom. And I like it too. Makes me feel needed. One of the hardest things as a mommy is letting your little ones grow up and fly the coup. So, I enjoy our abdl games. Nothing wrong with being an adult diaper lover. If your mommy will not take care of you, this mommy will.