When It comes to ABDL phone sex this Pregnant mommy knows a thing or two! See I have had the pleasure of being a person mistress mommy to very older adult baby not too long ago. Nate was mommies sweet little man who adored cloth diapers and being so super soaking wet all the time for me! See the more soaked that cloth diaper became under his two pairs of rubber panties the more his little peepee rubbed and made him feel good. I was pregnant back then too and My ABDL man loved to lay his head on my belly and drink form my sweet milky boobies. I feed him lots of bottles too, just so he would be a wet baby boy for me. I never even knew that I was an adult diaper lover until this man age regressed and I had to care completely for him. It is a good thing that I already had little bitty ones to diaper and breastfeed because all I had to do when I sat with him was just do what I already did. We would put a big supper soft blanket down and when I changed him, I never could believe that a grown man could have such a little dick. I tried not to giggle, but when I was all wrinkled and wet from his own pee I would give a giggle. I just couldn’t contain myself. This was my first adult baby man and when he goo goo ga ga at me and smiled and kicked his feet I knew he liked me talking about his little peen! Not once was he verbal with me. I always would receive an email from him in Big world when and how he expected me to be. I was very surprised at the bonus he gave me right before My girl was born. I do miss him but I still love adult diaper men!